Why use an Amazon Partner Agency?

Why use an Amazon Partner Agency - featured images


In today’s Amazon jungle, partnering with the right advertising agency can make all the difference. This is especially true on Amazon, a platform where the competition is fierce and the opportunities immense. An Amazon partner agency, with its expertise and specialized tools, can turn your store into a selling machine.


What is an Amazon Partner Agency?

An Amazon partner agency is much more than just an advertising agency. It’s a team certified and recognized by Amazon for its ability to maximize advertising performance on the platform. To achieve this status, an agency must not only demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the Amazon marketplace, but also prove its ability to generate significant results for its customers.

Advantages of working with an Amazon Partner Agency

When it comes to advertising on Amazon, partnering with a specialized agency offers several advantages:

Mastering the Advertising Tools of an Amazon Partner Agency :


    • Optimal use of Amazon Advertising: A partner agency masters all aspects of Amazon Advertising, including Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, and Amazon DSP. It knows how to use them to maximize visibility and conversions.
    • Precise Targeting Strategies: The agency develops precise targeting strategies, reaching the right customers at the right time, thanks to an in-depth understanding of buyer behavior on Amazon.

Continuous Campaign Optimization :


    • Performance analysis and adjustments: An agency constantly analyzes the performance of advertising campaigns, making real-time adjustments to improve ROI (return on investment).
    • A/B testing and experimentation: The agency uses A/B testing to experiment with different approaches, continually optimizing advertising messages and visuals for maximum performance.

Expert knowledge of market trends :


    • Strategic intelligence: The agency conducts strategic intelligence to keep abreast of the latest trends and innovations in Amazon advertising.
    • Adapting to Market Changes: This knowledge enables the agency to quickly adapt advertising strategies to market changes, keeping its clients’ campaigns relevant and effective.

Efficient budgeting :


    • Optimal Budget Allocation: The agency helps define and manage the advertising budget efficiently, ensuring that every euro spent contributes to the success of the campaign.
    • Expense Tracking and Profitability Analysis: The agency rigorously tracks expenses and analyzes the profitability of different advertising strategies, enabling transparent and optimized financial management.

Creating Impactful Advertising Content :

    • Ad Design: Some agencies create visually appealing, persuasive ads that capture the attention of potential buyers.
    • Targeted Personalization: Personalizes advertising content to the preferences and behavior of the target audience, increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Access to detailed and measurable reports:


    • Understandable, actionable reports: Customers often receive detailed reports that translate complex data into understandable, actionable information.
    • Insights for Strategic Decisions: These reports provide valuable insights for making informed strategic decisions about future advertising campaigns.

By working with an Amazon partner agency specialized in advertising, brands benefit from unrivalled expertise. This enables them to optimize their presence and performance on one of the world’s most competitive e-commerce platforms.

campagne publicitaire amazon

How to choose the right Amazon Partner Agency for your Brand

Selecting the right Amazon partner agency for your specific needs is a crucial process. Here are the steps and criteria to consider to make the best choice:

Evaluate Expertise and Experience: Check whether the agency has expertise in your industry. An understanding of your market and products is essential for effective advertising strategies.

Analyze testimonials: Reviews and testimonials from current or past customers can give you an insight into customer satisfaction and the quality of the agency’s services.

Understand the services offered:

  • Range of Services: Make sure the agency offers a full range of services tailored to your needs, including ad campaign management, listing optimization, and content strategy.
  • Customization of Services: A good agency should be able to tailor its services to your specific objectives, and offer customized solutions.
    Check Communication and Customer Support:

Availability and responsiveness:

  • Clear and regular communication is essential. The agency should be easily accessible and responsive to your questions and needs.
  • Transparent reporting: Check whether the agency provides detailed and understandable reports on campaign performance and actions taken.

Consider Cultural Fit and Values:

  • Values Alignment: It’s important that the agency shares your corporate values and understands your brand culture. This ensures harmonious and effective collaboration.
  • Strategic Approach: Evaluate the agency’s strategic approach. An agency that thinks long-term and proposes innovative strategies is a valuable asset.

Services offered by SkyVision – Amazon Partner Agency

As an Amazon partner agency, we offer a range of services designed to maximize your success on the platform:

Creation, Management & Optimisation of Advertisements

Creation, monitoring and adjustment of Amazon advertising campaigns (Sponsored Product – Sponsored Brands – Sponsored Display)


  • Analysis of the competition and implementation of tactics to outperform them
  • Research and selection of keywords to improve product visibility
  • Managing the advertising budget and maximising return on investment
  • Targeting strategy and segmentation to optimise campaign effectiveness
  • Optimisation of conversion rate (CTR) and cost per click (CPC)
  • Performance monitoring and analysis for continuous improvement
  • Regular reports and recommendations to achieve the client’s objectives


Amazon Visual Content Creation (Photos & Videos)

Design content that is visually adapted to Amazon and convincing


  • Analysis of your visual content and recommendations for improvement
  • Creation of tailor-made videos for Amazon
  • Creating photos optimised for Amazon


Amazon Ads Strategic Consulting & Training Services


  • Personalised coaching (one shot or regular)
  • Training in best practices for managing advertising campaigns independently, if desired

Find out more hereici 
Agence Partenaire Amazon

In conclusion


Choosing the right Amazon partner agency is crucial to the success of your business on this platform. At SkyVision, we combine expertise, advanced tools and a personalized approach to turn your goals into reality.

If you’d like to find out more about our agency, please contact us at contact us

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