How is Amazon Aponsored ads Agency, SkyVision, Preparing for Christmas?

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The festive season is undoubtedly one of the most eagerly awaited by consumers worldwide. It is therefore a major challenge for brands, who see this season as an unparalleled opportunity to increase sales and strengthen their market presence.

In this article, we take a look at how Amazon sponsored ads Agency SkyVision prepares for this period.


The Christmas period: a major challenge for brands

As you probably know, the Christmas season is a real commercial phenomenon, lasting several weeks or even months. Consumers start their Christmas shopping earlier and earlier, in search of the best offers and the perfect gifts for their loved ones. For brands, this means increased competition, but also a chance to stand out and capture buyers’ attention.

Amazon: the e-commerce giant of the christmas period


With the rise of online commerce, Amazon has established itself as the undisputed leader in global e-commerce. During the holiday season, the American giant sees its traffic and sales explode. Consumers turn to Amazon for its vast selection of products, attractive offers and fast delivery. For advertisers, being visible on Amazon during this period is therefore crucial to maximize their chances of success.

Introducing Amazon sponsored ads Agency SkyVision


Faced with the immensity of Amazon and the complexity of advertising on this platform, many brands turn to Amazon advertising agencies to support them in their advertising strategy. The Amazon sponsored ads Agency SkyVision is recognized for its in-depth expertise of Amazon and its mastery of its advertising tools. For several months now, Skyvision has been supporting brands in their quest for visibility and performance on Amazon, particularly during the crucial holiday season.

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Strategies adopted by Amazon sponsored ads Agency SkyVision to maximize visibility during the Christmas season

In-depth analysis of consumer trends


To develop an effective advertising strategy, it’s essential to understand consumer behavior and expectations. Here’s how Amazon advertising agency Skyvision will proceed for its clients.

1. In-depth niche analysis to identify relevant keywords

Even before launching a campaign, the agency uses sophisticated tools to identify the most sought-after keywords during the holiday season. This analysis enables us to precisely target the products and offers that will generate the most interest among consumers. In addition, the implementation of certain types of campaign will enable us to gather valuable data on the search terms that perform best.

2. Study of consumer buying behavior during the festive season

In addition to keywords, SkyVision analyzes purchasing trends: what types of products are most popular? When are consumers most active? This information is crucial for adapting advertising campaigns and maximizing their impact.

For example, we know that on Amazon, unlike “classic” shopping sites, the days closest to Christmas are the most interesting. Why is this? Because customers are sure to receive their gifts in time to put them under the tree!

Creating targeted advertising campaigns


With a clear understanding of consumer trends, the agency is able to create tailor-made advertising campaigns for its customers.

1. Using Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Display

These three Amazon advertising tools enable brands to showcase their products directly in Amazon’s top search results. SkyVision’s advertising agency optimizes these ads to appear on the most relevant keywords / ASINs, ensuring maximum visibility.

2. Setting up retargeting campaigns to reach hesitant consumers

It’s not uncommon for consumers to add products to their shopping cart without finalizing the purchase. With retargeting campaigns, SkyVision targets these consumers with personalized ads, encouraging them to return to Amazon and finalize their purchase.

Optimizing product pages for the holidays


Product presentation on Amazon is just as important as advertising. A well-optimized product listing can greatly influence a consumer’s buying decision.

1. Writing catchy titles and descriptions

SkyVision works closely with brands to improve their product sheets and integrate the most relevant keywords.

2. Use of high-quality photos showing product benefits

Visuals play a crucial role in the purchasing decision. For the holidays, brands should use photos showing their products in a festive context, reinforcing the appeal of the offer. If you don’t have the time, or a suitable graphics department, SkyVision has a specialized Amazon creative department, available only to its customers.

Agence de publicité Amazon Skyvision

A look back at the successes of Amazon sponsored ads Agency SkyVision

Every year, Amazon Skyvision rolls out innovative, high-impact campaigns for its customers.


Testimonials from satisfied Skyvision customers


Customer satisfaction is one of Skyvision’s core concerns. Many brands are quick to express their gratitude (See more reviews on Trustpilot):

“3 months now working with skyvision.
many positive points:
– a price adapted to my situation
– sales that have practically doubled
– a monthly call with suggestions for improvement and a precise update on the figures.

The only negative point: I wasn’t prepared to make so many sales! I had to quickly restock with my supplier!

Thanks to the sky vision team for helping me develop my business.

– CEO of a major stationery brand.”

“An amazing return on investment. Since we started working with SkyVision, our sales have increased exponentially. One of the best choices we’ve made this year.”

E-commerce manager for a fashion retailer.

Analysis of results: increased sales, click-through rates, and return on investment…


Our customers’ figures speak for themselves. The campaigns managed by Amazon Skyvision are going to be a hit for the end of 2023 (Black Friday + Christmas)!

If you, too, want to have a best-in-class Christmas on Amazon, don’t hesitate to contact the Amazon sponsored ads Agency SkyVision for a free audit of your account.

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